Uncategorized May 19, 2023

Can I Still Get Top Dollar for My Home?

If you’re considering selling your home, now is a great time to do so. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Low inventory: The Pittsburgh real estate market has been experiencing a shortage of homes for sale, which means there are more buyers than there are homes available. This has created a highly competitive market, driving up home prices and resulting in homes selling quickly. As a seller, this is great news, as you’re likely to receive multiple offers and get a higher price for your home.

2. Low interest rates: Interest rates on home mortgages are still at historic lows, which makes it an attractive time for buyers to purchase a home. This means there is a high demand for homes, and you can expect to receive many inquiries and offers for your property.

3. Increased demand: The pandemic has led many people to reconsider their living arrangements, resulting in a high demand for homes with more space, home offices, and outdoor areas. This trend has led to a spike in home sales, and as a seller, you can take advantage of the increased demand for homes in the Pittsburgh market.

4. Spring and Summer Selling Season: The spring and summer months are historically considered the peak selling season in real estate. With warmer weather and longer days, more buyers tend to be actively searching for homes during this time. By listing your home now, you can take advantage of the increased buyer activity and potentially sell your home more quickly.

5. Home values are increasing: The Pittsburgh real estate market has been seeing an increase in home values, which means your home is likely worth more than it was a few years ago. By selling your home now, you can take advantage of the increased home values and receive a higher price for your property.

In summary, if you’re considering selling your home in Pittsburgh, now is a great time to do so. With low inventory, low interest rates, increased demand, and increasing home values, you can expect to receive multiple offers and get a great price for your home. The spring and summer months also offer increased buyer activity, providing an opportune time to sell your home. As a knowledgeable real estate agent in the Pittsburgh market, I am here to assist you in navigating the selling (and buying) process and achieving your real estate goals. Contact me today at 412-400-6627 to discuss how we can work together to sell your home for the best possible outcome.